Tuesday, March 9, 2010

How do you make your BATH SALTS?

Hello everyone: I've been wanting to make bath salts but don't know any good recipes to do so....so with that said I was wondering how do you make your bath salts and how to you make them not clump together? Also, how do you make colored salts that doesn't stain your tub? Any suggestions will be GREAT!! Thanks!! :)How do you make your BATH SALTS?
I use a mixture of epsom salt and sea salt.

To make different colors I use food coloring hand mixed into the salt.

For adding scents, I use essential oils. Just a few drops will do. The steam from the hot water will release the scents into the air.

To help keep the salts from drying out your skin too much, I add baking soda to the salt mixture.How do you make your BATH SALTS?
the ones i make don't really put off that great of a smell but it takes care of the rest of the criteria

it' make up of Epson Salt and Sea Salt - like 3/4 epson salt and 1/4 sea salt

you can buy the coloring at any craft store, it hasn't made any stains in my tub yet...so it might work

also the flavorings you can buy there too

hope this helps!

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