Saturday, March 13, 2010

Does anyone here know why diabetic are advised not to take epsom salt baths?

It's not the salt, but the very hot water you dissolve the salt into. Diabetics are advised against anything that deals with hot stuff as some diabetics suffer from neuropathy and wouldn't be able to tell if the water was to hot and could possible get burned. It's a CYA thing.Does anyone here know why diabetic are advised not to take epsom salt baths?
?? Because of absorbing the salt?? Just a guess.

Anita, I think you are probably correct. You could get one of those yellow ducks that shows the water temp. like they have for babies. You can get them at Wal-Mart, Target, etc.Does anyone here know why diabetic are advised not to take epsom salt baths?
i've never been advised that. i've taken epsom salt baths before. i have no clue why diabetics would be advised against it.
hi you

i have been a diabetic 4 years now i have done a lot of reading on both types of diabetes but that is the first time i have heard that

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